

Obama congratulates British PM on success of Olympics

時間:2012-08-13 10:51   來源:Xinhua

WASHINGTON -- U.S. President Barack Obamaon Sunday called British Prime Minister David Cameronto congratulate him on the success of the London Olympics.

"President Obama called Prime Minister Cameron today to congratulate him and the people of the United Kingdom and London on an extremely successful Olympic games, which speaks to the character and spirit of our close ally," the White Housesaid in a statement.

"Both leaders commended the exceptional performances by both the Olympic teams of the United Statesand Great Britain and noted how proud we all are of them," the statement said.

The U.S. topped the medal standings with 46 gold and 104 overall, while British athletes have won 29 gold in a total of 65 medals, their best performance in more than 100 years.

The closing ceremony of the London Olympics began at 9 p.m. London time on Sunday.




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